• Email Performance Dashboard

    The Email Performance Dashboard  provides insightful data points on how each email is performing across all Automations. These metrics include the following: The Email Performance Dashboard can be filtered by specific emails and a specific date range via the top right. Type to filter your emails to select the email…

  • Creating Salesforce Opportunities

    If you leverage Salesforce as your CRM you can now create Opportunities in Salesforce through Goldilocks Form Actions, Lead Scoring Thresholds and Lead Stage Change Actions! Setting these up are easy and quick! Let’s dive in! To use Goldilocks Form Actions to Create a SalesForce Opportunity, navigate to Marketing Center…

  • Goldilocks Social Page Overview

    Goldilocks Social Statistics If you’re using Goldilocks to schedule your Social Post, all of the statistics from your Facebook or LinkedIn posts can be found under “Social Page Overview”. Navigating to the Social Page Overview Dashboard There’s a few ways to get to the Social Page Overview Dashboard.  1. Marketing…