Action Required: SalesForce oAuth

Please Note: This must be completed before February 1st, 2022.

To Enable oAuth 2.0 Tokens for Net-Results Sync

Salesforce is requiring 2 Factor Authentication starting February 1st, 2022. This will require your team to enable oAuth 2.0 Tokens for Net-Results Sync with Salesforce. This process is expected to take 5 minutes. 

Before you start, if you are logged into SalesForce please log out now. You will need to remain logged out until the below steps are directed.

Step One

Login to Net-Results

From the menu hovering your email address, navigate to Integration Settings->SalesForce->SalesForce Sync Setup oAuth

Click on Begin Auth

This will open an additional tab in your browser prompting you to log in to SalesForce

(Modern browsers block changing the URL in the same tab, we must pop a new tab/window)

Step Two

Log in with the SalesForce User that will be used for the syncs

You will be presented the following to grant access to Net-Results

Allow Access?

Net-Results is asking to:

   Access the identity URL service

   Manage user data via APIs

   Perform requests at any time

Do you want to allow access for email address (Not you?)

Step Three: We’re asking you to allow us access to:

Access the identity URL service – This allows Net-Results to log in to get required info about the user

Manage user data via APIs – This allows Net-Results to make the required API calls to sync data

Perform requests at any time – This allows Net-Results to get and use refresh tokens

Click on Allow

This will redirect you to the field mappings page in Net-Results (this may take a few seconds to complete)

Close the Salesforce Sync Setup oAuth tab

oAuth has now been added to your Net-Results account

Updated on September 27, 2023

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